Inheritance and Polymorphism


Inheritance is one of the most important concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). Inheritance allows us to define a class based on another class. This facilitates greater ease in creating and maintaining an application.

The class whose properties are inherited by another class is called the Base class. The class which inherits the properties is called the Derived class. For example, the Daughter class (derived) can be inherited from the Mother class (base).

The derived class inherits all feature from the base class, and can have its own additional features.

The idea of inheritance implements the is a relationship. For example, mammal IS-A animal, dog IS-A mammal, hence dog IS-A animal as well.

Mother and Daughter class:

  • Step 1: Create the two classes

      class Mother
        Mother() {};
        void sayHi() {
          cout << "Hi";
      class Daughter 
        Daughter() {};
  • Step 2: inherit (derive) the Daughter from the Mother.

      class Daughter : public Mother
        Daughter() {};

The Base class is specified using a colon and an access specifier: public means, that all public members of the base class are public in the derived class**.

In other words, all public members of the Mother class become public members of the Daughter class.

As all public members of the Mother class become public members for the Daughter class, we can create an object of type Daughter and call the sayHi() function of the Mother class for that object:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Mother
  Mother() {};
  void sayHi() {
   cout << "Hi";

class Daughter: public Mother
  Daughter() {};

int main() {
  Daughter d;
  d.sayHi();  // call function of the Mother class
//Outputs "Hi"

A derived class inherits all base class methods with the following exceptions:

  • Constructors, destructors
  • Overloaded operators
  • The friend functions

A class can be derived from multiple classes by specifying the base classes in a comma-separated list. For example: > class Daughter: public Mother, public Father


There is one more access specifier - protected.

A protected member variable or function is very similar to a private member, with one difference - it can be accessed in the derived classes.

class Mother {
  void sayHi() {
   cout << var;

  int var=0;

  int someVar;

Now** someVar** can be accessed by any class that is derived from the Mother class.

Type of Inheritance

Access specifiers are also used to specify the type of inheritance. Remember, we used public to inherit the Daughter class: > class Daughter: public Mother

private and protected access specifiers can also be used here.

Public Inheritance

Public members of the base class become public members of the derived class and protected members of the base class become protected members of the derived class.

A base class’s private members are never accessible directly from a derived class, but can be accessed through calls to the public and protected members of the base class.

Protected Inheritance

Public and protected members of the base class become protected members of the derived class.

Private Inheritance:

Public and protected members of the base class become private members of the derived class.

Public inheritance is the most commonly used inheritance type. If no access specifier is used when inheriting classes, the type becomes private by default.

When inheriting classes, the base class’ constructor and destructor are not inherited. However, they are being called when an object of the derived class is created or deleted.

To further explain this behavior, let’s create a sample class that includes a constructor and a destructor:

  • Step 1: Creating an object in main results in the following output

      class Mother {
        cout <<"Mother ctor"<<endl;
        cout <<"Mother dtor"<<endl;
      int main() {
        Mother m;
      /* Outputs
      Mother ctor
      Mother dtor

    The object is created and then deleted, when the program finishes to run.

  • Step 2: create a Daughter class, with its own constructor and destructor, and make it a derived class of the Mother:
      class Daughter: public Mother {
        cout <<"Daughter ctor"<<endl;
        cout <<"Daughter dtor"<<endl;
  • Step 3: Now, what happens when we create a Daughter object?
      int main() {
        Daughter m;
      Mother ctor
      Daughter ctor
      Daughter dtor
      Mother dtor

    Note that the base class’ constructor is called first, and the derived class’ constructor is called next. When the object is destroyed, the derived class’s destructor is called, and then the base class’ destructor is called. You can think of it as the following: The derived class needs its base class in order to work - that is why the base class is set up first.


  • Constructors The base class constructor is called first.

  • Destructors The derived class destructor is called first, and then the base class destructor gets called.

    This sequence makes it possible to specify initialization and de-initialization scenarios for your derived classes.


The word polymorphism means “having many forms”.

Typically, polymorphism occurs when there is a hierarchy of classes and they are related by inheritance.

C++ polymorphism means that a call to a member function will cause a different implementation to be executed depending on the type of object that invokes the function.

Simply,** polymorphism means that a single function can have a number of different implementations**.

Polymorphism can be demonstrated more clearly using an example: Suppose you want to make a simple game, which includes different enemies: monsters, ninjas, etc. All enemies have one function in common: an attack function. However, they each attack in a different way. In this situation, **polymorphism allows for calling the same attack function on different objects, but resulting in different behaviors. **

  • Step 1: create the Enemy class.
      class Enemy {
        int attackPower;
        void setAttackPower(int a){
         attackPower = a;

    Our Enemy class has a public method called setAttackPower(), which sets the protected attackPower member variable.

  • Step 2: create classes for two different types of enemies: Ninjas and Monsters.
    Both of these new classes inherit from the Enemy class, so each has an attack power. At the same time, each has a specific attack function.
      class Ninja: public Enemy {
        void attack() {
         cout << "Ninja! - "<<attackPower<<endl;
      class Monster: public Enemy {
        void attack() {
         cout << "Monster! - "<<attackPower<<endl;

    As you can see, their individual attack functions differ.

  • Step 3: create our Ninja and Monster objects in main
      int main() {
        Ninja n;
        Monster m;
        Enemy *e1 = &n;
        Enemy *e2 = &m;
      /* Output:
      Ninja! - 20
      Monster! - 80

    **Note: ** We would have achieved the same result by calling the functions directly on the objects. However, it’s faster and more efficient to use pointers.

    Also, the pointer demonstrates, that you can use the Enemy pointer without actually knowing that it contains an object of the subclass.

Virtual Functions

The previous example demonstrates the use of base class pointers to the derived classes. Why is that useful? Continuing on with our game example, we want every Enemy to have an attack() function.

To be able to call the corresponding attack() function for each of the derived classes using Enemy pointers, we need to declare the base class function as virtual.

Defining a **virtual function **in the base class, with a corresponding version in a derived class, allows polymorphism to use Enemy pointers to call the derived classes’ functions.

Every derived class will override the attack() function and have a separate implementation:

class Enemy {
  virtual void attack() {

class Ninja: public Enemy {
  void attack() {
   cout << "Ninja!"<<endl;

class Monster: public Enemy {
  void attack() {
   cout << "Monster!"<<endl;

A virtual function is a base class function that is declared using the keyword virtual.

Now, we can use Enemy pointers to call the** attack()** function.

int main() {
  Ninja n;
  Monster m;
  Enemy *e1 = &n;
  Enemy *e2 = &m;


/* Output:

As the attack() function is declared virtual, it works like a template, telling that the derived class might have an attack() function of its own.

Our game example serves to demonstrate the concept of** polymorphism; we are using Enemy pointers** to call the same attack() function, and generating different results.

e1->attack(); e2->attack();

If a function in the base class is virtual, the function’s implementation in the derived class is called according to the actual type of the object referred to, regardless of the declared type of the pointer.

A class that declares or inherits a virtual function is called a polymorphic class.

Virtual functions can also have their implementation in the base class:

class Enemy {
  virtual void attack() {
   cout << "Enemy!"<<endl;

class Ninja: public Enemy {
  void attack() {
   cout << "Ninja!"<<endl;

class Monster: public Enemy {
  void attack() {
   cout << "Monster!"<<endl;

Now, when you create an Enemy pointer, and call the attack() function, the compiler will call the function, which corresponds to the object’s type, to which the pointer points:

int main() {
 Ninja n;
 Monster m;
 Enemy e;

 Enemy *e1 = &n;
 Enemy *e2 = &m;
 Enemy *e3 = &e;

 // Outputs "Ninja!"

 // Outputs "Monster!"

 // Outputs "Enemy!"

This is how polymorphism is generally used.

You have different classes with a function of the same name, and even the same parameters, but with different implementations.

Pure Virtual Function

In some situations you’d want to include a virtual function in a base class so that it may be redefined in a derived class to suit the objects of that class, but that there is no meaningful definition you could give for the function in the base class.

The virtual member functions without definition are known as pure virtual functions. They basically specify that the derived classes define that function on their own.

The syntax is to replace their definition by =0 (an equal sign and a zero):

class Enemy {
  virtual void attack() = 0;
//The = 0 tells the compiler that the function has no body.

Every derived class inheriting from a class with a pure virtual function** must override** that function.

If the pure virtual function is not overridden in the derived class, the code fails to compile and results in an error when you try to instantiate an object of the derived class. For example:

class Enemy {
  virtual void attack() = 0;

class Ninja: public Enemy {
  void attack() {
   cout << "Ninja!"<<endl;

class Monster: public Enemy {
  void attack() {
   cout << "Monster!"<<endl;

Abstract Classes

Abstract classes has a pure virtual function. e.g.

class Enemy {
  virtual void attack() = 0;

You cannot create objects of the base class with a pure virtual function. Running the following code will return an error:

Enemy e; // Error

These classes are called abstract. They are classes that can only be used as base classes, and thus are allowed to have pure virtual functions.

You might think that an abstract base class is useless, but it isn’t. It can be used to create pointers and take advantage of all its polymorphic abilities. For example, you could write:

Ninja n;
Monster m;
Enemy *e1 = &n;
Enemy *e2 = &m;


In this example, objects of different but related types are referred to using a unique type of pointer (Enemy*), and the proper member function is called every time, just because they are virtual.