Leetcode notes
Ordered solved problems with tags. * denotes in top interview questions.
- 001 Two sum * (array)
- 007 Reverse Integer * (string)
- 008 String to Integer (atoi) * (string)
- 009 Palindrome Number (array)
- 014 Longest Common Prefix * (string)
- 019 019 Remove Nth Node From End of List * (linkedlist)
- 021 Merge Two Sorted Lists * (linkedlist)
- 027 Remove Element (array)
- 028 Implement strStr() * (string)
- 035 Search Insert Position (array)
- 036 Validate sudoku * (array)
- 038 Count and Say * (string)
- 026 Remove duplicates from sorted array * (array)
- 048 Rotate image * (array)
- 066 Plus one * (array)
- 092 Reverse a single sublist * (linkedlist)
- 094 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal * (tree)
- 098 Validate Binary Search Tree * (tree)
- 101 Symmetric Tree * (tree)
- 102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal * (tree)
- 103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal * (tree)
- 104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree * (tree)
- 105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal * (tree)
- 108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree * (tree)
- 116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node * (tree)
- 119 Pascal’s Triangle II (array)
- 122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II *(array)
- 125 Valid Palindrome * (string)
- 136 Single number * (array)
- 141 Linked List Cycle * (linkedlist)
- 167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted (array)
- 169 Major Elements (array)
- 189 Rotate array * (array)
- 200 Number of Islands * (tree)
- 206 Reverse Linked List * (linkedlist)
- 217 Contains duplicates * (array)
- 230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST * (tree)
- 234 Palindrome Linked List * (linkedlist)
- 237 Delete Node in a Linked List * (linkedlist)
- 242 Valid Anagram * (string)
- 283 Move zeros * (array)
- 285 Inorder Successor in BST * (tree)
- 344 Reverse String * (string)
- 350 Intersection of two arrays II * (array)
- 387 First Unique Character in a String * (string)
- 683 K Empty Slots * (array)
- I1 I1 Maximum Fruit * (array)