048 Rotate image
Original Description: You are given an n x n 2D matrix representing an image. Rotate the image by 90 degrees (clockwise). Note: You have to rotate the image in-place, which means you have to modify the input 2D matrix directly. DO NOT allocate another 2D matrix and do the rotation.
- 要求: 给一个 N X N 的矩阵,顺时针旋转90度
- 返回: 旋转后的 NXN 矩阵
- 例子:
- input:
[7,8,9]], - output:
- input:
- \(i\)为当前行,\(j\)为当前列。
- 一个元素的替换:
- 先将 \(m[i][j]\)放入stack, i.e. stack[0] = \(m[i][j]\)
- 原本在 \(m[i][j]\) 位置的数字会跑到\(m[j][N-1-i]\) 的位置上去。所以将\(m[j][N-1-i]\)位置的元素也压入stack。
- 将\(m[j][N-1-i]\) 用 stack[0]替换,stack pop。
- 更新当前的行,列位置为\(j\),\(N-1-i\).
- inner loop: 由于矩阵有四条边,所以需要进行上述替换4次。
- outer loop: 对第i行, 我们只需要从元素\(m[i][i]\)(对角线上的元素) 开始替换,到\(m[i][N-1-i]\) 结束(从最外圈向最内圈)。
class Solution(object): def rotate(self, m): """ :type matrix: List[List[int]] :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead. """ d = len(m) def update(m, i,j, tmp): tmp.append(m[j][d-1-i]) m[j][d-1-i] = tmp[0] ip = j jp = d-1-i tmp.pop(0) return m, ip, jp, tmp for i in range(d//2): for j in range(i,d-1-i): tmp = [m[i][j]] count = 0 # need 4 times to update on each side of the matrix while count < 4: m,i,j, tmp = update(m,i,j,tmp) count += 1