Binary Trees
class Node:
def __init__(self, data): = data
self.left = None
self.right = None
# create nodes
root = Node('A')
n1 = Node('B')
n2 = Node('C')
n3 = Node('D')
n4 = Node('E')
# setup children
root.left = n1
root.right = n2
n1.left = n3
n1.right = n4
( example and code src: codebyte)
- depth of node n: number of nodes on the search path from root to n, not including n itself.
height of the tree: maximum depth of any node in the tree.
- full binary tree: all nodes other than leaves has two children
- perfect binary tree: every parent has two children
- number of nodes in a perfect binary tree of height \(h\): \(2^{h+1}-1\)
- number of leaves: \(2^{h}\)
Tree traversal
Binary search trees: < <
- inorder: allows data arranged in order. left –> root –> right (左根右)
- preorder: root –> left –> right (根左右)
- postorder: left –> right –> root (左右根)
- level order: read level by level
Say we have binary tree of \(n\) nodes, height \(h\), for traversals:
- time complexity = \(O(n)\);
- space complexity = \(O(h)\).
(Note: If each node has parent field, traversal can be done with space complexity \(O(1)\)).
Inorder traversal
def in_order(root, nodes):
if root and root.left: #inorder left subtree
in_order(root.left, nodes)
nodes.append( #root
if root and root.right: #inorder right subtree
in_order(root.right, nodes)
return nodes
print in_order(root, []) # => ['D', 'B', 'E', 'A', 'C']
Preorder traversal
def pre_order(root, nodes):
if root and root.left:
pre_order(root.left, nodes)
if root and root.right:
pre_order(root.right, nodes)
return nodes
print pre_order(root, []) # => ['A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'C']
Postorder traversal
def post_order(root, nodes):
if root and root.left:
post_order(root.left, nodes)
if root and root.right:
post_order(root.right, nodes)
return nodes
print post_order(root, []) # => ['D', 'E', 'B', 'C', 'A']
Basically in the three blocks of codes, only nodes.append(
changes its position.
Level order
- output a single array
def level_order(root, nodes): queue = [root] while queue: n = queue.pop(0) nodes.append( if n.left: queue.append(n.left) if n.right: queue.append(n.right) return nodes print level_order(root, []) # => ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
利用一个queue, 首先将root加入queue, 之后每次从queue中pop出一个将其左右子加入queue序列,将其data加入输出。
- output arrays level by level
def levelOrder(self, root): """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: List[List[int]] """ res = [] self.dfs(root, 0, res) return res def dfs(self, root, depth, res): if root == None: return res if len(res) < depth+1: res.append([]) res[depth].append( self.dfs(root.left, depth+1, res) self.dfs(root.right, depth+1, res)
使用 DFS, 用 level记录深度, root 深度为0。 (See problem 102)
- Use recursive algorithm.
- Use DFS and BFS
- 098 Validate Binary Search Tree * (note)
- 101 Symmetric Tree * (note)
- 102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal * (note)
- 104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree * (note)
- 108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree * (note)
- 094 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal * (note)
- 103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal * (note)
- 105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal * (note)
- 116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node * (note)
- 200 Number of Islands * (note)
- 230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST * (note)
- 285 Inorder Successor in BST * (note)